network- Low-level networking interface
Safe HaskellNone



This module provides extensible APIs for socket addresses.


Socket Address

class SocketAddress sa where Source #

The core typeclass to unify socket addresses.

getPeerName :: SocketAddress sa => Socket -> IO sa Source #

Getting peer's socket address.

getSocketName :: SocketAddress sa => Socket -> IO sa Source #

Getting my socket address.

Socket operations

connect :: SocketAddress sa => Socket -> sa -> IO () Source #

Connect to a remote socket at address.

bind :: SocketAddress sa => Socket -> sa -> IO () Source #

Bind the socket to an address. The socket must not already be bound. The Family passed to bind must be the same as that passed to socket. If the special port number defaultPort is passed then the system assigns the next available use port.

accept :: SocketAddress sa => Socket -> IO (Socket, sa) Source #

Accept a connection. The socket must be bound to an address and listening for connections. The return value is a pair (conn, address) where conn is a new socket object usable to send and receive data on the connection, and address is the address bound to the socket on the other end of the connection. On Unix, FD_CLOEXEC is set to the new Socket.

Sending and receiving ByteString

sendTo Source #


:: SocketAddress sa 
=> Socket


-> ByteString

Data to send

-> sa

Recipient address

-> IO Int

Number of bytes sent

Send data to the socket. The recipient can be specified explicitly, so the socket need not be in a connected state. Returns the number of bytes sent. Applications are responsible for ensuring that all data has been sent.

sendAllTo Source #


:: SocketAddress sa 
=> Socket


-> ByteString

Data to send

-> sa

Recipient address

-> IO () 

Send data to the socket. The recipient can be specified explicitly, so the socket need not be in a connected state. Unlike sendTo, this function continues to send data until either all data has been sent or an error occurs. On error, an exception is raised, and there is no way to determine how much data, if any, was successfully sent.

recvFrom Source #


:: SocketAddress sa 
=> Socket


-> Int

Maximum number of bytes to receive

-> IO (ByteString, sa)

Data received and sender address

Receive data from the socket. The socket need not be in a connected state. Returns (bytes, address) where bytes is a ByteString representing the data received and address is a SockAddr representing the address of the sending socket.

If the first return value is zero, it means EOF.

Sending and receiving data from a buffer

sendBufTo :: SocketAddress sa => Socket -> Ptr a -> Int -> sa -> IO Int Source #

Send data to the socket. The recipient can be specified explicitly, so the socket need not be in a connected state. Returns the number of bytes sent. Applications are responsible for ensuring that all data has been sent.

recvBufFrom :: SocketAddress sa => Socket -> Ptr a -> Int -> IO (Int, sa) Source #

Receive data from the socket, writing it into buffer instead of creating a new string. The socket need not be in a connected state. Returns (nbytes, address) where nbytes is the number of bytes received and address is a SockAddr representing the address of the sending socket.

If the first return value is zero, it means EOF.

For Stream sockets, the second return value would be invalid.

NOTE: blocking on Windows unless you compile with -threaded (see GHC ticket #1129)