LicenseBSD (see the LICENSE file)
Safe HaskellNone



Provides the errors for Commands. Its usage is mainly internal, to be used from Command.Command.



data CommandError Source #

This represents any error that can arise from an invocation of a command. Some are thrown by the system (such as ArgumentParseError), however you can also manually throw them with throwM within any handler.


ArgumentParseError Text

Indicates the command arguments failed to parse, either because of lack of arguments, incorrect types, or too many arguments.

RequirementError Text

Indicates that a requirement for this command failed to pass. The reason is specified in the text field.

ProcessingError Text

This is a value unused by the system, and is free to be used by the handler as they wish.

DiscordError RestCallErrorCode

Indicates there was a fatal Discord call somewhere in the handler.

HaskellError SomeException

Indicates there was some sort of runtime error. This contains all sorts of errors, however they are guaranteed to be safe synchronous exceptions.