Safe HaskellNone




editStatusFile :: UpdateStatusType -> ActivityType -> Text -> IO () Source #

editStatusFile puts the status values into "status.csv" by calling show on them and converting it to Text.

setStatusFromFile :: DiscordHandler () Source #

setStatusFromFile reads "status.csv" from the Config directory, and reads in the 3 columns as UpdateStatusType, ActivityType, and Text. The values are used to call updateStatus.

Incorrect formats (read parse errors) are ignored.

updateStatus :: UpdateStatusType -> ActivityType -> Text -> DiscordHandler () Source #

updateStatus updates the status through the Discord gateway. Therefore, it requires DiscordHandler and is not polymorphic.

Orphan instances

Read ActivityType Source # 
Instance details

Read UpdateStatusType Source #

These datatypes in discord-haskell do not derive Read, but it's kinda necessary to do readMaybe, so here we go:

Instance details